Saturday, April 23, 2011

Life... What's Real

Life........What's Real?  Get hooked up to a bunch a crap for a few days at a hospital and not be able to go home and all of a sudden the simple things that seemed unimportant becomes very important. Music, videos, flower seeds you planted, playing ball with your child, a flea on your dog, all of a sudden everything so small seems so big and important.
I think Doctors are over rated. Don't get me wrong, doctors know their stuff. But back in the day...we didn't go to doctors. We had a simple remedy for everything. Lucky or not, it seemed to work. In my Family, my Grandmother would go out to the garden and make up some stuff that tasted like crap but worked!
I think music is the key. Believe it or not, if you search hard enough, there is someone out there that has a song about your problem. Maybe it's not the perfect solution to yours, but I bet it's close.
We all want to make a difference. At least I like to think so. R. Kelly has received a lot of grief over the years, and he is not my favorite artist, but watch his video......  It really made me think that if you try hard enough, you can make a difference.
Dreams are not always just dreams. Sometimes they become reality. They do not have to be big dreams, maybe just small ones. This goes against my deep belief that a dream is easily reached by rich people but not by normal people, but, after watching the video which is kinda deep and unrealistic in general, It makes me believe dreams can be reached, because dreams are big or small, depending on the person.
If you want to make a difference, you can. Big or small, the difference is always BIG. Because of what t means to someone else. What is smalll to you may be BIG to someone else.
This blog is a bit more on the emotional side than I am used to, but I just spent a few days in the hospital AND I MISSED MY DAUGHTER AND ALL THE "SIMPLE" things more than anyone can imagine.
AllI can say is be happy with who you are. We all could be in better shape, maybe be a bit better at whatever, just be a great parent if you have children, work your ass off if you live paycheck to paycheck,
I'm there with you. Be thankful for that roof over your head, and the food in the fridge. The great stuff will come just have to know when it comes....

1 comment:

Capt Big Deal said...

Kind of interesting. I heard of it somewhere. I`m more into Jimmy Buffet, Rum, Golf and Fishing myself.HI LINA !!!! Go Rays
