Thursday, April 14, 2011


This day and age it's all about money. Kinda sad. We could all use more money. Well, most of us anyway.
This NFL Lockout is making me crazy! All these guys in fancy suits sitting around arguing over billions of dollars. That's right, I said BILLIONS of dollars! Everyone in this freaking debacle is rich or close to it! Hell, I worry about if I have enough sick time to take off at work when I catch a bad flu and these guys are arguing over whether they are going to be rich or richer? I know there is a little more to it than that, but c'mon guys. Take your millions or billions, be glad you get that much, and lets play some damn football. It's all the little people that are going to suffer the most!
I bet I could walk my ass into one meeting in my cargo shorts, t shirt, sandals, a LandShark Beer....can I say LandShark? Hell, it's my Blog, I say what I want till someone tells me I can't, then have this agreement done in no time. Do I sound "cocky"? I'm not. To me it's just a bunch of used car salesman trying to close a deal and they can't, so they do what people in the car sales business do, it's called a "TURN OVER". Which brings in the supposedly better "closer" sales manager and he tries to close the deal. They just don't have a good closer! In this case I suppose the closer would be a lawyer or lawyers.
I wonder how many players would retire or quit if all of a sudden they were not making millions of dollars? and I mean in all sports. How many owners do you think would sell their teams if they were not making billions? What if the sport was played for the sport? Played for the competition? By players that hate losing more than they like winning? Owned by Owners that Love the game just as much?

What if professional athletes knew coming out of college they were going to max out at a certain amount of money like a regular job? That they had to earn their raises like a regular job? That no matter how good they are, they will never make more than a certain amount of money, no matter who they are? Would they still want to play if there were no multi million dollar signing bonus in their future? Or would they go work in whatever degree they acquired while in College? I wonder.

My mind is reeling right now of players from not that long ago that seemed to play football because they LOVED it. I'm not talking about these sissy's that run out of bounds to avoid a hit and worry about their contract. I mean players that would hit you hard for an extra yard or even harder to stop you from that extra yard!
I'm a Dolphins fan so the first person that comes to mind is Larry Csonka. Nothing seemed to stop this man. When he ran the ball he LOOKED for someone to hit as he ran! Hell, I think he ran better when he was bouncing off of people! You could just see it in his face and how he played the game, he loved football.  A few more players that come to mind: Jack Lambert, Ronnie Lott, John Lynch, Ottis Anderson, Dwight Stephenson, Lawrence Taylor, Randy White. I could go on and on.

Lets pretend for a minute that Football started all over. OMG, what will I do for my Fantasy draft? The world wide depression of missing all of our famous rich players would be dramatic! Physciatrist would be reeling in the bucks! Bars would have to cut beer prices in half to draw in customers. It would be world disaster!
Then some unknown guys or women, ballers, hitters, fighters, competitors..would step in. Really wanting to play the game. Wait a minute.....these guys/women are pretty good. Of course I have to now give a shout out to all the Ladies playing their hearts out in the LFL! OK, that's out of the way.
Hey, these unknown players have some real talent. Wow, who would have thunk it? Lets go get season tickets before the prices go up!
I have my favorite players in a lot of Leagues, and I would hate to see them leave but I have also seen a LOT of very talented players in several different sports that for one reason or another never get their chance in the "Bigs". I have seen street ballers on basketball courts that could make Kobe look stupid. The same is true in a lot of other sports.
So please guys, end this ridiculous Lockout talk, be happy with where you are, and lets move on for the small people and the fans. Don't worry, all of you will still be pimpin your big ass houses and collection of cars....and we will be wearing all our game day gear, grilling, and rooting you on!!!!

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