Friday, March 4, 2011

We don't use electronics, they use us!

I am on the verge of hipocrisy here on this. This day and age of electronics has basically forced me into it. I could not possibly get my thoughts out to as many people as possible without utilizing exactly what I am about to complain about. Electronics....I suppose I could ask every single person I know for their address and get a bunch of over priced stamps from the Post Office and mail everyone a letter...Nah, I'll stick to this Blog.
What would you do without all of your electronics? How do you feel when you lose your cell phone for a day? or even a few hours for that matter? Some people need a visit to the psychiatrist! I admit feeling stressed once because I couldn't find my bluetooth and I NEVER drive without it. :)
Now, just a heads up before I get started. I do have probably as many if not more personal electronics as the next, and I have only recently had the revelation that they are starting to take over our lives! The cell phone comes in at number 1 on my list. We have our cell phones attached to every part of our lives, even some other things that will be mentioned here later or another time, like the electronic connections to all the Social Networks, etc
Cell phones wake us up with alarms, they store our music, they remind us of meetings, they take our pictures, they link us to the internet, they give us driving directions, weather updates, video games, movies on a 2" - 4" screen, they can even tell everyone and anyone exactly where we are on this planet. I could go on and on.

Now the revelation. I don't really want to be this "connected" all the time. I'm not saying to give it all up. I'm just saying it's all out of control! I mean really, people actually watch entire 2 hr movies on a cell phone? My goodness people, take the time to rent the movie and watch it at home. Make some popcorn or something...For those of us over 40, try finding the old fashioned jiffy pop popcorn that blows up into a big aluminum foil ball and write me back how it made you feel! Maybe someone you rarely talk to anymore will watch that movie with you, like your family or best friend? Oh yeah...try ASKING someone to watch that movie with you and NOT sending a text requesting their appearance.
ARGHHH. Even as I write this my PDA is blowing up and distracting me, and my daughter is begging for me to sit at the table and have lunch with her. I'm starting to change right now...break time to do something much more important than reply to that annoying PDA, like sit with my daughter and teach her some good manners like my parents did back in the day......

I'm back. It was so fun sitting with my daughter and just looking at her beautiful smile. So much better than staring at that PDA.
Where was I? Oh yeah, I left off with texting. I do it. NEVER while driving though. Mostly when I know privacy from a ringing cell phone is required by the person I need to reach. Texting has to be the most out of control feature on cell phones. Heck, my wife and I are guilty of sending text messages to our neighbors only 40 feet away...What ever happened to the Good Ol Days when we actually walked over and talked to our neighbors. Heck, how many people even know what their neighbors really look like? We are lucky in that we have a bunch of great neighbors and we actually do get together a lot and do fun things.
Remember when we had our own time? I mean remember when we ran an errand or went to the gym or something and nobody saw or heard from us till we got back because we didn't have cell phones or pagers or whatever? That was at least a little time alone, which we all need from time to time.
It was most likely a time when our brains were actually creative instead of this dead zone of attachement to our cell phones we allow ourselves to fall into. Calling whomever letting them know we are in the car, on the way, almost there, just arrived, in the store, still in the store, in the checkout line, that the checkout line is really long, that there is someone weird looking in front of you in the checkout line, walking to the car, in the car, on our way back, almost back, in the driveway, come out and help with bags. JEEZ!!!!!! Come back to the misses you!
I'm getting a migrane typing this! So I guess I will take another needed break, submit this much and let everyone know there is much to be continued. Please feel free to submit your opinions, that is what this Blog is all about....

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