Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Change your life BS re-posted by REQUEST!

I am so sick of all the damn inspirational quotes. Crap to do if your husband is an asshole, or your wife is an asshole. What to do if you're not happy with your life. BS quotes about stuff that only happens in the movies. Every day is an opportunity for change. Crap about Love, relationships, therapy, etc.
How to get rich walking around the mall working from your cell phone while you buy a bunch of Crap you don't need. If there were any real way to make money this way the mall would not be full of broke ass people looking for sales. Free this and Free that. There is nothing free in this world, remember that quote? Some people get lucky and hit it, but reality is reality. If anyone out there can prove me wrong I challenge you right now, and don't send me some get rich quick spam Crap!
Most of you are not going to wake your asses up tomorrow and say "you know what, that quote from the Internet changed me". I'm starting a new life today....Bull Shit. You have a job to get to, bills to pay, maybe kids to take care of. You're not gonna just wake up and start making millions and working from a netbook on some damn yacht.
"Money is the root of all evil"......another famous BS quote. What's evil about money? Maybe if you are some flaunt your money asshole that thinks you are better than everyone else because of your money. Reality is, if you don't have the skills to make the millions, you most likely never will. Try thinking about all the problems you have going in your life right now. I bet someway, somehow, if you had a little more money, those problems would go away. At least some, if not most of them.
Happiness? I know I am happy with my little family, me and my beautiful daughter. The wife? Well that's not so great, but that's a whole other story. We don't have all the riches but I know damn well if we did, we would be happier, giving, caring people. Not Evil People. I also know I will never stop trying to do better for my daughter.
There is nothing wrong with dreaming and for some people, dreams do come true. I'm just tired of hearing it over and over. Especially from rich ass people that did have their dreams come true. I don't hear too many poor people making life inspiring quotes.
So if you are going to quote something or someone, make sure there is some reality in it. Changing my diet or religion or beliefs overnight is not going to make a difference. Change takes time and devotion. So stop trying to make it seem like it will happen overnight!
The sex tips are the most hilarious. Yes believe it or not, I am one of those romantic types. I fell in Love with my wife because of who she was on the inside, not on the outside, BUT, I also think couples need to be compatible in all areas where it counts! For those of you that have decided to wait till after marriage, I respect your decision. All I can say is I wish you well...Sex tips are fine, I enjoy reading them from some of my followers, just keep it real. Enough with the fake Crap again that only happens in movies. I would love to take a limo ride to my private jet and fly away to San Francisco for the night, just to see the Opera, like Richard Gere did in "Pretty Woman". But here comes the reality check again..............Most of us are not that wealthy!
We all have our issues and hardships. Depending on who you are they are all different but in some way, they are the same. They are issues or problems none the less. All we can do is try to work together and make it through.
Before I go, I want to put some REALITY quotes from one of my favorite comedians that kept it real. God Bless George Carlin.
"Remember; spend some time with your loved ones, because they are not going to be around forever."
"Remember, say a kind word to someone who looks up to you in awe, because that little person soon will grow up and leave your side."
"Remember, to give a warm hug to the one next to you, because that is the only treasure you can give with your heart and it doesn’t cost a cent."
"Remember, to say, “I love you” to your partner and your loved ones, but most of all mean it. A kiss and an embrace will mend hurt when it comes from deep inside of you."

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