Sunday, March 27, 2011

LOL, OMG, FYI Added to Online Oxford English Dictionary!

This just makes me crazy! I mean really? This has to be a joke right? No it's not. In fact it's one of the top 10 trending topics on yahoo. A quote from the yahoo link was "Some non-techie words also made the cut, for better or worse, including: couch surfing; muffin top; la-la land; rub-a-dub; taquito; and wassup." 
What's next? Fupa? cutting the cheese? plumbers crack? camel toe? Don't bother checking----they are not in there! "LOL"
I mean really, when I think of the Oxford English Dictionary, I think of Oxford, a highly respected University. and I think of English, as in the English language. I am Latin so I kind of get adding taquito, because burrito and taco are in there, but if you're gonna start adding all these Spanish words, why not go all out and include frijoles negros? or cafe con leche instead of just "cafe'? What about "Pan"? Oxford Dictionary says it has several meanings. The most common, in English of course is "a container made of metal and used for cooking food in…" 
For the taquito, burrito, and taco people it just means BREAD, and don't EVEN get me started on all the Spanish slang! 
In Key West where I am from, we even have our own version of Spanish and slang words. Only "Conchs" know what I mean... Like we have our own Conch word called Boongie..It is also a Bahamian word that most most Conchs probably didn't even know...
All these new words or terms are really just slang or short cuts, and to be honest, they are just proving our laziness. Who really wants to text "laugh out loud"? I get that. I abbreviate my texts every day. But adding it to the English dictionary it just too much in my opinion. 
This all reminds me of the old days when my family lived in a 3 story house and my bedroom was on the 3rd floor. I would hear my Dad yelling my name like he needed me for something important. I would run down all those flights of stairs and with a beating heart ask Dad what's up? All he wanted was for me to change the channel on the Damn TV! There were no remotes back then. I was the remote. Keep in mind, his Lazy Boy chair was MAYBE 10 feet away from the TV! Now THAT is LAZY! 
Even today, if you lose your remote for your TV you will spend hours looking for it before you will walk over to the TV and change the channel! I know because I work for the Cable Company and people DEMAND we come to their home immediately if the remote is not working properly! They cant even wait one day to get it fixed! 
I disagree with adding all these "internet" terms to the dictionary. I know computers and technology are our future. My daughter could navigate a laptop and type her name way before she could even write it. But that doesn't make it right. What is she gonna do when she has to sign a check or her name on a document? The internet has pretty much taken over everything. We trust someone named Snopes to tell us the truth on every rumor, search engines are believed without any doubt. 
In the old days we found out what was real by going where we needed to go and learning while we were there. Not from a PC in our house. Lets not let the internet even take over the sacred dictionary! If you don't know all the abbreviations they are easy to find elsewhere. Especially the ones our kids use to try being slick and secret from us parents! Like "PIR", "Parent In Room". Those Little bastards!


Unknown said...

Just had to say OMG! Haaaaa. I know what boongie means!

Conch65 said...

That's because your were a Conchette. Not fair you grew up knowing that word!