Just like me, most people that have never heard of, or watched the LFL or Lingerie Football League. Just the word Lingerie kinda throws off what this League is all about and may make you just skip the channel. Trust me, don't skip the channel, give it a look, and not for just 2 minutes. Watch the game people! If your girlfriend or wife or significant other gets pissed, ask THEM to watch the game for more than 2 minutes! Hell, it was my wife that got me to watch!
I watched as much as what was on TV last year and chose the 2 Florida teams as my favorites since I was born here.
Yes you will get more hot women in short shorts than your neck can take, and a lot of great butt shots, but once the shock and awe of the hot women ends and the game begins. You start to realize these women are for REAL! I mean they play the game HARD.
I have looked up some measurement stats of some of these women and even though size is not as important as technique (no pun intended), I would not want to go head to head with some of these women. They are not flimsy little runway models, They are ripped up athletes! The hits these women put on are incredible!
I'm 5'10 225lbs but outta shape. I will avoid the embarrassing result of a head to head challenge with one of these players. But I would love to see some cocky guy from the stands take one of them on. Which according to the Bleacherreport article (which if you are not following them, you should be!) http://bleacherreport.com/articles/307748-is-the-lingerie-football-league-lfl-worth-seeing-a-candid-review from back in 2009, is part of the half time show that is not shown on TV unfortunately. Simple physics might work for you if you out-weigh her by 125lbs, but I guarantee, you'll be faking the pain you feel as you hobble back to your beer drinking buddies and giving high fives just for falling down with such a hottie!
Some of the things I don't 100%, maybe 90% agree with from the Bleacherreport article is the "eye candy". Use any search engine and search for pics of the Olympic Beach Volleyball women, now there was a LOT of eye candy. These women wear helmets, shoulders pads (yes, above the tata's), knee pads and elbow pads, some wear gloves.
The hits are fierce! Nothing fake here. I have pics of a broken foot of one of my favorite payers that would make anyone cringe. But I have not asked her permission to let everyone see it. Also the "strip club" feel. That's gone in my opinion. Yes these women are hot and the meet and greets are packed full of photographers not just from Sports Channels, but in one year, the game has changed.
They are all competitors, not models, not sissy's.....hard ass competitors that want to win.
Attendance is low and I know it could be better if people start to see what the LFL is REALLY all about!
Another quote was it is "not NFL quality". Well in my opinion again, that depends on which NFL team you are watching. There was also a mention of a player almost losing her panties. Well, this happens in the NFL also. Check out the Huffingtonpost (another MUST follow) video http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/11/23/devin-hester-pants-video_n_367145.html.
I totally agree with Spike Rogan of Bleacherreport that the LFL "could draw a far bigger crowd if they played in an arena that is tailgating-friendly, which would increase the MALE attendance" , Great idea,especially if the LFL players were allowed to go out to meet the tailgater's.
Oh and bye the way, Some comments from some very close friends of mine that are not MEN, they LOVE the LFL! SO, The attracted audience is not just MEN, and it's not just a bunch of hotties off a runway prancing around in Lingerie, it's a real sport and everyone should check it out! Not just MALES! If you are into sports and looking for something new to turn to, tune into the LFL. Heck, go get some season tickets, you won't be disappointed!
Oh, Along with Spike Rogan, any LFL media outlet looking for a writer or promoter.....I'm a believer and available.
Mike Beiro
Nice job & thank you for tweeting me with your blog. I love it! Lauren Rock - Baltimore Charm
I love your work, thank you for the support. Eventually people will ignore the name and embrace our league. Our Founder knew he had to find a unique way to market women playing football to get people to watch it. Lingerie Football is a dream come true to the women in this league. We sacrifice to play and we'll fight stay! If anyone want to question our talent, tell them to meet us on the field!
Anonka Dixon
Miami Caliente #12
Nice blog! I'm glad you're a believer in the sport and even more excited that your wife was the one to point it out to you!!Hope to see you both at an LFL game next season!
If it was my ankle you were talking about, you have my permission ;)
Thanks for supporting us!
Carie Small
Tampa Breeze #17
As a fan of the LFL i got to say i love it. When i first started paying attention to it my wife didn't like it. Half naked ladies playing football " I DON'T THINK SO!" So i ordered the first game on line. Half naked ladies playing football is what she thought until she saw the first hit. Now we are season ticket holders that was a year ago. So if you have never seen or watched the LFL you don't know what your missing. To the ladies of the Lingerie Football League: Thanks for the show.
Great blog! You shine light on the areas of our league that others choose to ignore due to ignorance or insecurity. Thanks for the support! We need all the fans we can get! For the love of the game!
<3 LFL
Kelly Campbell
Baltimore Charm #3
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